Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Heir by Kiera Cass

The book cover as usual is splendid!! The gown is really beautiful.....

Well I kind of wished for a America and Maxon's story but instead I got Eadlyn's. I had a mixed reaction after reading this book. To be honest I thought this story will be just like "The Selection". But thankfully it's not. So this is a positive side and number one reason I gave it a three stars.

Now the characters....I just never, even for a moment liked Eadlyn. America was annoying but tolerable but her daughter... I don't know how to describe her.....she is that intolerable. I hoped she would be a strong female character but clearly it's not. And considering she is the main character of this book did not make it easy to accept it. Eadlyn is a complex character. She is selfish, rude,totally full of herself and of course nobody is worthy of her attention. She says that she is strong enough to lead the all means please make me understand why in the world she said in the very beginning that she wishes her brother to rule instead of her. She is self centered and everything have to be done on her own way.

The only positive side of her that I found is the way that she fought against the arrange marriage namely selection.

The book left a huge I have no choice but to read the second part to find out which person THE GREAT EADLYN is going to choose finally. (In my opinion the book shouldn't even have a cliffhanger)

I loved every selected ones, well besides the obvious ones........Hale, Erik, Henri, Fox...they are all awesome! They each posses different quality which you can automatically fell in love with. Though there is some point you started hating them and the reason... it's no wonder actually..... is Eadlyn. They all treat her with respect and Eadlyn treat them like crap. It's not like it was their own fault they became selected.

Kile was great...though I am not sure why and how he can forgive her so easily and tolerate her so much.

My favorite part of the whole book is the group date where some of the selected ones perform a little entertainment show for Eadlyn.

I expected something great like "The Selection", something different from any other book but this book is nowhere near that.

After reading the synapse I thought WOW.....I just have to have this book NOW.....then I have to wait for a long time and when I finally read it......I'm just going to say that the book should have been a lot greater than this.

Well anyway let's hope for the best and maybe we will not be disappointed and love every part of the second book.
